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ED Came Within an Inch of DESTROYING My Entire Life Before I Suddenly Discovered…

My smoking HOT wife was naked on my bed…panting with excitement…

When my penis shrivelled up and shrank away in shame …

It FAILED me in the worst way imaginable, right when I needed it most…

What just happened? My beautiful wife asked, confused.

I must be tired…I mumbled, wishing the floor would swallow me up.

She looked at me and she gave me a kind of half smile.

You know the kind of smile people give you when they think you’re pathetic?

Then she walked out, leaving me alone on the bed with a tightness in my throat, feeling like a failure of a man.

How I’d wanted to pleasure her so bad right then and for sure…how she wanted it too…

She looked so hot lying naked on the bed and yet…

I couldn’t give my wife what she wanted, what she needed…

She’d usually help me out if I was losing my erection but this time she didn’t even try…she knew there was no hope…

The shame and embarrassment destroyed my confidence but even worse…

Our marriage had always been awesome with plenty of good, wholesome sex.

Sure, there were ups and downs but I never had any problem getting erections…

But the last few years, I’d wouldn’t get hard as I used to…

And my penis even felt smaller than before…

Until one night, I couldn’t get hard at all….

…the most embarrassing and humiliating incident that reduced me to a shell of the man I once was…

Plunging me into the dark depths of self-doubt, despair and anguish…

You’re probably wondering why the heck I’d ever share this deeply personal and painful story with you…

Well it’s because I found out that…

My agonizing episode with ED forced me on a journey that ultimately caused me to discover the untold truth as well as the shocking lies and myths promoted by the pharma industry about men and their erections…

You see when it comes to ED…

It’s not about your age: did anyone tell you ED happens because you’re getting older? Pardon my French but that’s BS.

In a minute I’ll show you how a 75-year-old man is enjoying the thickest, firmest erections of his life and bringing his young wife to a shuddering, pulsating climax over and over, every time he wants to…and how you can too…

ED is not in your mind: it’s absolutely nothing to do with “psychological reasons” which is something doctors say when they have no idea what’s going on.
And I’ll tell you how one drunk doctor accidentally revealed this shocking truth to me one night…

And it’s not treated with ED drugs: or weird testosterone treatments – taking these dangerous synthetic drugs which can trigger sudden heart attacks, blindness and stroke is no different to using a band aid to fix a broken leg.

Let’s face it…each time you pop an ED pill it’s like playing Russian roulette with a loaded 45 magnum pointed at your head…just take a look at this…

According to a study published in the science journal Cell, Viagra can cause platelets in the blood to clump together …increasing your risk of a deadly stroke…

1 in 30 men who take ED pills suffer from vision problems…

Nearly a quarter suffer from debilitating migraines…

You could take an ED pill and trigger a sudden heart attack or stroke one day…with no indications it’s about to happen…

Forcing you to become dependent on them just to get semi-hard…

Which as we know, is a great way for the pharma companies to put their hand right in your wallet and help themselves to as much of your hard-earned cash as they like…

And don’t get me started on deadly testosterone gels and injections…

Treatments that we now know are proven to be linked to multiple cases of stroke, heart attack and liver failure…

Believe me, big pharma is laughing all the way to the bank at your expense…

The top executives all live in huge mansions with gyms, heated pools and jacuzzies…

It’s a good ol’ racket set up to make as much money as they can…and here’s the thing about ED:

Nearly 50% of men over 40 suffer from ED and that number is increasing rapidly…

I’ll tell you how I got out of my personal ED black hole and get naturally hard, bulging thick erections on command in just a minute…

I’ll also tell you the incredible story of how I got lucky and stumbled on this mind-blowing erection-hardening secret, and how my wife nearly ended up in bed with a younger man, all because of my inability to perform…

But first you need to know that…

I’ll admit, I was stunned when this unusual blend of ingredients and enzymes I picked up in the grocery store gave me the hardest, most pulsating and throbbing erection I’d had in 20 years….

It blew my wife’s mind…but she had a big happy smile on her face…

You’ll be astounded when I tell you how I accidentally stumbled on the solution and saved my marriage, my family, my confidence and my happiness in the process…

I’m not telling you this to brag…it’s true…besides, I’m a regular guy just like you or anyone else…

And it’s all thanks to this simple tonic formula I add to my morning routine…

I enjoy getting naturally hard erections again but when I help other men get their hard erections back it’s every bit as good, because I know that…

Just imagine, when your manhood gets hard as iron on demand…

It’s amazing when you see how powerful the knock-on effect of getting a thick, hard, pulsating erection is on your entire life isn’t it?

…and it makes me super happy that the 60 second tonic formula I’m about to share with you is transforming so many men’s lives out there…

Check out what Anthony Greene from St. George, Utah had to say:

“Hard as a brick on command”

I feel like I’ve finally woken up! My marriage was on the rocks and yet somehow, we pulled through it. I haven’t felt so pleased with my life in years. My wife is enjoying the super strong orgasms I give her almost nightly and I have to say, getting hard as a brick on command is the ultimate confidence booster. I feel like my entire life has been transformed and it’s all down to this one simple change in my morning routines which gets my member as hard as when I was 21 years old, whenever I want it to.

And here’s a message I received from Dalton Wyman in Burlington, North Carolina:

“Super Hard and Bigger-than-Ever Erection”

I’d had ED for over 5 years and for me it was done and there was no way back. With the ED pills losing their effect and making me feel nauseous I was desperate to find alternatives.

Thank God I watched your video right to the end because I was able to see the scientific proof and the easy trick that enabled me to get my hard erections back for good without any pills or horrible side effects. When I followed the simple morning routine you revealed I got a super hard and bigger-than-ever erection soon after. And boy was it wonderful. With your stiff erection morning tonic, I really do get hard on command and I feel incredibly manly at 65 years old.

What I’m about to show you is not medication…

It’s not a testosterone supplement…

And it’s not some weird gel or something you inject…

It’s none of those things and I promise you’ve never seen it before…

…Then hang on to every word I say from now on like your life depends on it, because I’ll show you the proof from Harvard Medical School and the International Journal Of Impotence Research that shows:

This critical information is only being shared for a limited amount of time right here in this article and it could be gone by tomorrow…

And it’s the only way you’ll get the hard erections and enjoyable sex life that’s waiting for you in a few minutes from now, so make sure to read this entire page until the end because…

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve had ED for…

It doesn’t matter what your age is…

It doesn’t matter how bad your ED is or if you’re only interested in improving your performance…

This is the only way to get your naturally stiff, vigorous erections back in a short time…

So pay close attention and read every word until the end…

Before I share the powerful hard erection solution with you in 1 minute, I should introduce myself.

My name is Jon Remington and I’m from Mesa, Arizona. I’m 60 years old and I mean it when I say that 2 years ago…

Like most guys I could perform pretty well when I was younger…sometimes 2 or 3 times a night in my twenties and several times a week in my thirties…

My wife Laura has always had a great sex drive which was amazing during those times but…

When I hit 45 and then 50 years old my erections would come and go and they wouldn’t feel rock hard anymore…and sometimes I’d lose my hardness after a few minutes…

It was all pretty confusing because like I said…

I used to perform pretty good in bed and even if I was getting older it wasn’t like I was in my 80s yet…

Then one night I failed to get hard at all…

I told myself it must be down to stress or fatigue…

But then it happened again a week later, then twice more a couple of weeks after that…until I could only get it semi-hard by looking at p*rn videos…and I felt dirty and guilty watching p*rn but it was the only way…

We tried spicing things up in the bedroom like most couples do…I got my wife some sexy lingerie and one evening I thought I’d inject some excitement…

I met her in a bar downtown and we fantasized that we’d just met, as a hot new couple…and this sure turned both of us on…Laura got very excited…

I took her home that night feeling on top of the world, like I was bringing back the hottest, sexiest girl in town…

When I undressed her, she was shaking with excitement at every touch…

She was panting heavily and couldn’t wait any longer…

She wanted me so badly inside her…and who could blame her, it had been months….

You know what? I couldn’t even muster up a semi-hard erection…

As the seconds ticked by my penis stayed as soft as spaghetti…

Heck, I even tried to even push my penis inside her in the hope that maybe it would stiffen up if I did…

But it was like pushing a marshmallow in a slot machine…

Instead of stiffening up my penis actually got softer…then smaller, until it shrivelled up…as though it was shrinking away in shame…

I tried to keep foreplay going…thinking maybe if I stopped worrying it would get hard on its own…

But I had this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach…and after 5 minutes I rolled over in shame, devastated….

She’d been the most patient, wonderful wife in the world putting up with my countless failures to perform…

I felt as if I’d been punched in the gut and it shredded my confidence and my self-worth…

And this is what plunged me into the black hole of despair and crippling self-doubt that lasted several years….

And yet somehow, I was glad it did, even if it sounds strange, because it forced me on an unlikely journey and only a few weeks later…

But it took a lot of hard work and suffering…pain that I wouldn’t want you to go through…here’s why…

When I started to lose my erection, I felt less of a man…like a has-been, past-it dude.

I started to worry that younger guys sensed this and they’d even look at my hot wife as though they knew I wasn’t able to satisfy her…

I became anxious that my wife craved sex from a real man, a man who could get himself hard as iron and give it to her as much as she wanted…

My wife is beautiful and I’ll admit I’ve always punched above my weight…

I mean, she takes care of herself…

She works out and watches what she eats…she’s relaxed about her body and she’s never been shy to initiate sex…

And she’s a woman who needs regular sex to be happy…

So you can imagine how much of a strain this put on our relationship and on my mental health…when I couldn’t get it up for 5 years straight…

My erection failures shot my self-esteem to pieces…

It was affecting my confidence so much…that after a few months I got overlooked for a promotion and pay-rise at work…

It seemed that colleagues were starting to lose respect for me…

Women who would touch their hair and smile when I talked to them stopped making eye contact with me…

It felt as if everyone knew I had this crippling ED…

So I did what any man would do in this situation and I went to visit my doctor…

I was expecting some understanding from him, man to man…but he wasn’t the slightest bit interested…he even looked bored when I told him about how erectile dysfunction was ruining my life…

The conversation lasted a whole 60 seconds before I was off to pick up my prescription…

The next few months were a blur of doctor visits and prescriptions for various ED pills that I had to swallow an hour before sex…meaning the fun kind of spontaneous sex we used to enjoy was over…

I felt like a sucker for paying hundreds a month just to get my penis hard…which is something that should be automatic at my age…

But even if the ED pills got me hard sometimes, the side effects were nasty…in fact…

The very first night I took the little blue pill…

The sex was kinda weird and mechanical…and we had to plan it carefully…it had no warmth or love to it…

There was none of the excitement of before…it felt like I was fixing the boiler.

And even if I got harder than I had for a while, my wife didn’t enjoy it as much as before…

Then after finishing off I immediately got hit by a splitting migraine…

As I walked to the bathroom cabinet to grab some Tylenol, the lights blinded my eyes…

I got so worried about the headache my wife took me to ER…

But what was even worse was that a few months later the pills started having less effect…

ED pills weren’t working but I’d read on some internet sites that taking supplements could help…

So I went to the natural health store and loaded up…

I got stuff called Herbal Performer, l-arginine, tribulus and one called T-Booster Hardness…

These seemed to help my erections a little at the start…

But my body stopped reacting to them after a few weeks…

My doctor wanted to increase the dose of ED pills or put me on testosterone gels, but after reading some horror stories about men who got sudden strokes and heart attacks from these treatments, I turned his offer down…

Finally, I joined a gym as I’d read on some health websites that working out could help with erectile performance…

But after 6 weeks of it I felt exhausted and my knees were hurting…plus it didn’t harden my erections one bit…

I had almost given up hope at this point…

To make matters worse, the tension was high at home…it felt as though Laura and I were estranged…

As though we were counting down the clock until our divorce…

I was even starting to wonder how we’d divide our belongings after our separation …

Unless I could perform in bed again it was clear I had no chance of saving what was left of my marriage and my family…

I know sex isn’t everything but it’s important for any successful marriage, and for us it most certainly was…

It almost tipped me over the edge when one Saturday morning ….

Laura’s phone kept flashing on the kitchen table while she was upstairs taking a shower…

She’d been chatting with a younger colleague at work named Stefano…

He was the up and coming star of their company and had closed several huge deals, making a fortune for them…

They’d been chatting with text messages for the past couple of months…

First of all, it was fairly innocent stuff about work and then…

Recently, Stefano started to text her compliments about how pretty she looked in the office that day…

And scrolling back through the messages I saw one that froze my blood…

A week earlier, he’d been trying to persuade Laura to join him on a work trip to Mexico in a month or two…

I’d love to spend some time with you out there…and it’d be good for your career prospects…he wrote.

All you have to do is say yes and you’ll get the green light…

She replied that it sounded great and she would think about it…

Reading this it felt like my guts had gone through a meat grinder…

I only had weeks before my wife went to Mexico and this younger, attractive and successful Italian stud who could surely perform in bed would hit on her there…

And with her impotent, useless husband at home…considering how frustrated she was after a full year without sex…

How could she refuse such an offer?

I felt a sudden flash of panic and I locked myself in a room upstairs for 30 minutes, my heart pounding …

And minutes later, when my mind became clearer I knew I had 3 choices…

And this is what I decided to do that morning. From that day on, I was never going to be a victim again…

I felt a renewed determination that day and a desire to go out and take this on…

And it came from a most unusual source…

I work in logistics and supply chain as an inventory manager and we had our annual corporate event from our suppliers coming up the next week…

This time they’d invited us to Las Vegas…

And even if I was worried about leaving my wife alone I had no choice…

Now, as a family guy I don’t usually party much when I visit Vegas…

And I didn’t intend to this time either but sure enough, the first night I found myself out drinking with some suppliers who I’d never met before…

It was group of guys including one older gent named Tom whose beautiful young wife seemed devoted to him…

As the night progressed and we moved from bar to bar…I got talking to Tom and his attractive wife, who looked like she was from Asia….

He told me he was 75, although he looked closer to 60, and he kept working because he loved his job…

He also supplied pharma companies and doctors with supply chain equipment….

In fact, he met his wife Wendi through work when she was a researcher for a big pharma company…

His wife looked to be in her 40s and very pretty…so obviously this guy was doing something right…

As we retired for the night we were surprised to find our hotel rooms were next to each other…

I wished my new friends good night and went straight to sleep…

But I was woken 1 hour later by some loud lovemaking noises coming from next door…

And she was moaning so loudly it felt like the whole hotel was shaking…

Not to mention the bed slamming on the walls so hard it felt like they were going to cave in…

After about an hour and what sounded like Wendi having at least 5 orgasms it finally subsided and I was able to sleep…

Only to be woken at 7am the next day to hear more loud lovemaking…

75 years old and banging away like that, he must have some secret…

And I headed down to the hotel restaurant for breakfast…

As I was finishing up my coffee…Wendi came in to the restaurant on her own and smiled at me.

Hey Jon, do you mind if I sit with you? She asked

Tom went off for an early meeting with his clients…

She sat down and smiled warmly at me…she was very beautiful.

I’m sorry if we woke you last night…she said.

Tom has so much energy and we have a great love life.

We just want to have all the fun we can.

She was very warm and friendly with me so I joked with her…

I’ve gotta say, for a guy who’s 75 that’s pretty impressive…

Well Jon, when Tom and I met and we were falling in love, was worried about not being able to satisfy me in bed long-term and he wasn’t getting any younger. She replied.

I told him what I’m now going to tell you…

She said, mysteriously…

…and if every man knew this one simple thing that Tom does every morning to get himself as hard as a rock every day…

There’d be almost no man alive with erection problems and the ED industry wouldn’t exist, she added…

She looked at me as I sat there open-mouthed and seemed to understand by my dumbfounded facial expression that I needed help with my own erections…

Men are trying so hard these days to get firm erections and fix their ED but they’re doing it all wrong.

Let me explain and I promise I won’t get to technical with you…

When you get aroused, your brain sends a signal to pump blood down the pipe and into your penis fast…and to do this, it needs to relax this tiny muscle called the smooth muscle which sits just above your penis and acts as the valve to your penis blood vessels…

The blood can only flow into your penis when this smooth muscle valve relaxes…

The smooth muscle then traps the blood inside the blood chambers in your penis.

When it traps the blood inside, it expands the tissue of the penis, engorging it and causing it to become hard. This is what an erection is.

When this smooth muscle valve works fine, you can get and stay hard easily, no matter your age.

When it doesn’t work right you simply cannot get erect no matter what you do. Or maybe you get semi-erect or lose your erection after a few minutes.

Imagine you’re blowing up a balloon for your kid. Well, you’ll never blow that balloon up if the air keeps on escaping will you? No matter how much air you blow in, the air escapes.

It’s the same with your erection.

When your smooth muscle valve isn’t working, even if the blood pumps in, it escapes from your penis right after.

Meaning no matter how good your circulation is or how high your testosterone is, you’ll never stay hard.

At best, your penis will get semi-hard for a few minutes.

The good news is when you fix the smooth muscle – the valve – with this 60 second penis-hardening formula I’m about to give you, it’ll be like pumping air super-fast into the balloon and trapping it in there.

You’ll pump the blood fast into your penis and keep it inside, creating pressure and…

And why does this smooth muscle stop working in the first place? I asked her.

The reason the smooth muscle fails to function right in about so many men these days is down to something called oxidative stress, a condition that attacks tiny hormones called androgens inside the smooth muscle, making it impossible to trap the blood inside your penis.

This is what prevents 95% of men from getting and staying hard. She told me

Oxidative stress is what happens when there’s a build-up of toxins in one area and often it can inflame your muscle tissue.

When this happens, you can only get hard for a short time or you get semi-hard at best…

Or as the smooth muscle’s condition worsens, you fail to get erect and you become completely impotent…she explained.

And that is the number 1 cause of ED in men, Jon. It’s not what most men think.

It’s NOT your blood circulation and it’s not even low testosterone…

Sure, those things can be helpful, but unless you address the oxidative stress that attacks your smooth muscle, you’ll never get real hard erections…she told me…

So why do men get this oxidative stress that attacks the smooth muscle? I asked her, super curious by now.

Well, there’s one toxic chemical that causes the oxidative stress that’s attacking the smooth muscle which causes it to malfunction and fail…

It’s a chemical called phthalates and it attacks tiny hormones called androgens which your smooth muscle valve needs to function.

You’ll find phthalates in plastic food wrapping, containers and even common cosmetics.

There are a couple of other chemicals such as BPA, BPS and Dioxin that do similar damage.

And these chemicals are also present in foods that the male health industry tells us to eat every day.

Spinach for example, contains super high levels of toxins that can attack and destroy your erection directly.

Then she told me about a study by the Environmental Working Group that tested and found huge levels of deadly pesticide toxins in regular spinach.

I felt cheated as I’d been reading on every male health website that spinach would help my erection when in reality it was destroying it…

These chemicals are linked to hormone changes, lower sperm count, obesity, diabetes and thyroid irregularities…she added.

How do you know all this? I asked her.

I was a researcher for the makers of the biggest ED drugs on the market for 12 years, she told me.

I know exactly how these erectile drugs work, and the mechanism they involve.

What ED drugs do for you is temporarily jumpstart the smooth muscle – the valve – for an hour or two. That’s the only effect they have.

Your blood is then able to pump into your penis and it gets trapped in there…meaning a man can get a temporary erection

But when the effect wears off…your smooth muscle stops working again…

Is it true that before the 1970s almost no man suffered from ED? I asked her.

Well Jon, you have a point, she replied.

Use of the toxic chemicals that inflame and disrupt your smooth muscle were dramatically increased during the 1980s…which is why in the 90s men suddenly started suffering from ED at much higher rates…and that’s why Viagra was such a success.

But before that time, men like your grandfather NEVER or rarely suffered from ED. And even right into old age, they could get hard and perform without any problem.

Half of guys over 40 are getting ED without any explanation from their doctors…you don’t hear much about it in the media because it’s considered taboo…

Even guys in their 20s are getting severe ED.

Now let me ask you, did you ever hear about your friends getting erectile dysfunction when you were in your 20s?

I had to admit that erection problems in your 20s were unheard of back when I was that age. It was ridiculous to even imagine it. We could all get hard on command.

Well, now record numbers of guys in their teens and 20s are getting ED. She said. And it’s all because of this toxic chemical attacking their smooth muscle.

Her theory made sense to me but I was still a little skeptical…

So why is it only some of us men suffer from ED when others don’t? I asked her.

Some men can’t remove this toxin from their bodies as fast as others…she replied.

Meaning higher traces of the chemical circulate freely in the blood and attack the smooth muscle…

Look, it’s NOT your fault.

Chemical conglomerates have basically bribed the government to be allowed to use their polluting chemicals that cause ED in millions of unsuspecting men…

And pharma companies are right in on this racket and want to keep this golden goose alive…she said…

They’ve worked with chemical companies and lobbied behind the scenes to keep these nasty substances legal too…

Because they know as long as they do, it’ll mean they make billions from guys buying their pills to get hard.

Together, they’ve created their own world where millions of men suffer from ED so they can sell drugs to them and make a fortune.

This is why I quit the corrupt pharma world and became a nutritionist instead…she said.

Now, if you want to fix the root cause of your ED naturally, you can do it in a few days or weeks…but there’s one condition: you’ll have to listen to what I say and do what I tell you…

I nodded in agreement. After all, what choice did I have?

Here’s the deal Jon…she said.

ED drug manufacturers base their mechanism on a weird fungus from the Himalayan mountains in Tibet…

They didn’t invent the formula themselves…because it exists in nature.

They copied the formula and DNA from this fungus and used it to manufacture their own pills…

It’s an erection remedy that Tibetan men have used for centuries which explains why in Tibet, impotence levels are the lowest in the world.

I felt excited to know there was a natural substance that would harden my erection out there…

Then to my disappointment she added…

Unfortunately, this Tibetan fungus is very rare… it’s almost extinct…

However, we were able to reproduce the formula to have an even more potent effect on the erection by using nothing more than a mixture of herbs, enzymes and foods…she said

The effects of ED drugs and the Tibetan fungus can be surprisingly easily replicated using these natural foods, enzymes and herbs in the right quantities…

We studied this 5 years ago and tested it out extensively on nearly 10,000 ED sufferers..

This Hard Wood Tonic targets and eradicates the root cause of ED in men – the harmful toxin that disrupts your smooth muscle – it does this with a unique blend of flavonoids, or plant chemicals, that reverse oxidative damage.

And it increases levels of a super important gas in your blood that’s essential for hard erections…she told me.

This gas is called Nitric Oxide and when you increase it, you repair damage to your beaten down blood vessels and enhance your blood flow throughout your entire body…

Meaning this potent natural tonic sends a torrent of nutrient-rich blood to your penis about 15 minutes after drinking it…

With your smooth muscle functioning again, it can trap the blood inside your penile chambers…causing your manhood to blow up like a balloon…

She smiled as if remembering her husband’s hard erection from that morning.

I have the ingredients for this tonic Jon, and…it may surprise you but you can find most of them at your local grocery store…

The only thing you need to do is combine them in the right quantities…which I’ll show you.

She winked at me and said: when you take the tonic every morning you’ll see what I mean…

That afternoon, Wendi emailed me the 30-page guide of tonic recipes…

First, I had to drink the main tonic daily, the Hard Wood Tonic as they called it…

And were 5 powerful tonics in total, as well as 5 teas I could make if I was busy and needed to get an extra boost to my erection…a total of 10 potent erection-boosting tonics…

She’d added a few pages including some simple nutritional rules I should follow to get best results including avoiding some foods she called erection-killers…

And what stunned me was to see some of these erection-killing foods were promoted as healthy in the media, such as spinach…

To tell you the truth I was unsure this would work…

I’d been looking for natural ways to get fix my ED for several years…how could I have missed this?

But when I told Wendi about my doubts she told me not to worry because it was the special ratio of foods, enzymes and herbs that would rapidly harden my erection…

The foods contained high levels of specific nutrients named flavonoids, she said.

And according to studies by both Harvard Medical School and the University of East Anglia in England, there are 3 of these flavonoids which are helpful to harden erections fast. These are flavanones, anthocyanins, and flavones.

The ingredients in the hard wood tonic have the most potent combination of these 3 flavonoids and in the right quantities.

Even if Wendi had shown me scientific proof that this would work, I still felt skeptical but I decided to give it a shot when I returned home…

The ingredients for my main Hard Wood Tonic were easy enough to find in a couple of local health stores…

Then to make it all I had to do was add the ingredients in the specific amounts she’d given me to water…

And gulp it down on an empty stomach that morning…

It tasted great though honestly, I wasn’t expecting it to give me a hard erection so I kinda forgot about it…

I figured I’d give it 6 weeks to see if this really worked…maybe after a month I’d notice a change…

Then later when I got home that night I saw Laura in the kitchen, making dinner…and she looked so hot in her figure-hugging skirt I felt myself instantly getting aroused…

Within seconds, my erection was so hard it was bursting my zipper…

I quickly took Laura by the arm and almost dragged her to the bedroom…

And right there and then we had the most passionate, amazing sex we’d had for the past 10 years…

My penis was hard as steel, and it stayed that way for a full hour…as my wife climaxed again and again and again…

Afterwards, when it was over, we had dinner and a glass of wine…and we couldn’t stop smiling at each other…

It felt as though the spark was back like we first met, when we’d make love several times a day and hold each other for hours after…

But inside, I wasn’t sure…after all it’d been years since I’d performed anywhere near as good as that…what if it was a one off?

As I went to bed that night, Laura rolled over to my side of the bed and my doubts melted away as I instantly felt myself getting hard again…and we enjoyed the most mind-blowing night of passion either of us could remember…

More energetic, more masculine…like a younger version of myself but with all the experience…

My orgasms were super intense and pleasurable…

Even my package looked and felt bigger…and my muscles seemed harder…

Women I didn’t know would smile at me in the street…

Let’s face it, when you know you can outperform any dude around, including the younger guys who think they’re ballers, you start to radiate a quiet, powerful confidence that other men respect and women are subconsciously attracted to…

And as the weeks and months went by Laura and I grew closer and closer…bonded by the growing intimacy between us…

Our marriage was thriving and friends and family noticed…

We couldn’t keep our hands off each other…

Then one evening as we hung out with friends at their place, my buddy Mike pulled me to one side…

Mike was 63 and had remarried a couple of years back…

Hey Jon, I overheard Laura telling my Karen that your sex life is incredible…he said.

Nowadays I can’t fire up my penis without popping 2 pills…it’s costing me a fortune and it doesn’t even work well…

Spill it buddy…what’s your secret…

So I shared my Hard Wood Tonic recipes with Mike…

And 5 days later I got this text message from him:

Buddy…WTF! This tonic gets me hard as a rock. Karen is loving it. I owe you big!

A week later, at another gathering I had 2 women I barely knew, Yolanda and Angela, usher me aside to ask for my secret hard wood tonic recipes…

They’d been chatting to Mike’s wife Karen…and had gotten wind of this amazing hard wood secret…

So I emailed each one of them the potent tonic mix…

And several days later I got this astonishing email from Yolanda:

THANKS for those insane tonic recipes that jumpstarted my husband’s erections! I got Todd drinking the most potent tonic first. At first, he was reluctant and super skeptical but he finally agreed to try for just one week. Well, let me tell you Jon, we didn’t need to wait that long.

After 3 days he jumped on me as soon as I got home and his erection felt thicker and harder than I’ve ever known. He lasts for a good 40 minutes and his performance is now much better than when he took those drugs prescribed by his doctor that gave him vision problems. It’s amazing and I am so grateful to you for sharing. Our lives have been transformed!

And check out what Scott here had to say:

Hey Jon You’ve sure injected some outrageous passion to our love life!

I found it hard to admit but I was slacking in the bedroom. I’m a guy who only ever listens to his doctor but I have to admit, my doc’s advice wasn’t working.

I could only stay hard for a few minutes max. Since Angela came home and started mixing me those tonics you gave her, my erections have ballooned in size and stay rock hard for at least 30 minutes.

Each time we make love I feel like my erections get harder and last longer! And Angela can’t get enough of me. Seems like this is finally the missing piece of the erection puzzle I couldn’t solve!

After a few weeks of people sharing my tonics somebody must have shared my email at some point as I started getting up to 50 emails a day…

And that’s when things started to go nuts…

I think most guys were too embarrassed to ask me directly for the hard wood tonic…

But that didn’t stop their wives and girlfriends who hunted me down ruthlessly…

It was too much to handle, and that’s why I set up this website…so I could help any man or woman who wants a great sex life, discreetly, safely and very quickly.

What’s more, we expanded it to include incredibly effective yet simple techniques to reverse ED that cover every type of ED there is…from partial or occasional erection problems to full blown, long-term ED…

And so far, it’s helped 26,137 men get their naturally stiff erections and their lives back…for good.

I remember how complicated everything seemed when I first started searching for solutions…so I wanted to make it super easy for other men to follow…

We made videos as well as the hard erection manuals to share every method there is to get harder erections…videos that men can easily understand and follow…

It took months of work and endless testing and perfecting on volunteers but we finally got there in the end…

I’m proud to present The Hard Wood Tonic system to you. The only super-fast blueprint to reverse ED and get your natural hard erections back.

In this hard erection blueprint, you’ll find the most powerful and proven methods for getting back the stiffest erections of your younger years.

Here are a handful of the cutting-edge shortcuts you’ll discover in minutes from now:

That’s alone is easily enough to get you as hard as a rock but you’ll also get:

And while that’s enough to boost any man’s erection, the Hard Wood Tonic system is not for you if you prefer blowing your cash on synthetic ED pills that produce a fake erection that instantly softens as soon as the effect wears off.

If you are ready to restore your stiff erections and fix ED for good then take a second to imagine:

What is it worth to you to feel this manly, confident and sexually youthful?

To never have to worry again if you’ll get hard tonight or that you’ll lose your wood after a few minutes?

Picture yourself in a few weeks’ time when you’ve got your super hard, big erection back.

Imagine how good it’ll be to strut down the street with a big package and feel like a real man again…

Other men will be envious as word of your incredible performances gets out among their wives…

And think of all the money you’ll save when you don’t need to hand over your hard-earned cash for fake pharma pills anymore…

What will you do with all that money, maybe go on a vacation of your dreams or buy a new car?

Or perhaps build a mancave or extension to your house?

Whatever you decide, with Hard Wood Tonic I want you to get back least 100 times what you invest…

After all, it’s what you’d pay for a few months of artificial ED pills and one fourth the cost of a single testosterone injection…

But I’m not some faceless corporation trying to extract money out of guys who are having a tough time with ED…

I’m a real guy who’s been through ED hell just like you and millions of other men…and us guys need to stick together.

And that’s an incredible deal…

But because I believe in you and I want to give you everything in my power to get your hard wood back…I’m prepared to give you a special one-off special offer and cut the price down to just…

Which is a tiny investment to get your hard erections back without pills, pumps or silly gadgets…to get your confidence, your performance and maybe even your marriage back…

How does that sound? Because if I were your shoes, it’d be an easy choice….

Click below to start your order.

Maybe you’re not ready for these powerful methods and you don’t want to get hard as a brick…and that’s ok. It’s your choice.

But if you are ready to get the wonderful, stiff erections of your younger years back, then click below to get started…

You’ll be taken to a page like this where you fill in your details…

Once you confirm, you’ll get instant access to the Hard Wood Tonic system and start getting your stiff erections back again.

There is a catch because this amazing low price won’t last much longer.

You could come back here later today and the price is 3 times what it is now…

Your choice should be an easy one because as well as this super low price, the Hard Wood Tonic System also comes with…

For 90 days you can get a full refund if you’re not 100% satisfied with the potent, stiff erections you’ll be enjoying.

Heck, you can get every cent back even if you change your mind and decide it’s not for you.

The checkout process is 100% securely encrypted and anonymous. Meaning nobody will know you’ve ordered Hard Wood Tonic.

The payments are handled by a trusted secure partner, Clickbank and this is the name you see on your statement.

You get your hard erections back for good or you pay nothing. You’ve gotta admit that’s a rock solid, risk-free guarantee.

I’m pretty sure big pharma don’t offer a refund or a trial period when they give you a migraine and heart palpitations with their pills. I’m pretty sure they keep every cent in their pockets, even when their pills do nothing for you.

Test drive this penis-hardening blueprint for a full 3 months before deciding.

Hit the button below and get started today.

You’ll be taken to the next page which looks like this.

Fill in your details and you can get started with the Hard Wood Tonic system right away.

And it all starts when you click below and fill in your details.

And because I’d like to make this a total no-brainer for you, if you order today you’ll get 3 incredible bonus plans, on the house.

Bonus 1 is the Quick Start Accelerator Plan

As I know you’re busy I had the entire Hard Wood Tonic system condensed into a quick start action guide.

You can take this easy “done for you” guide and refer to it anytime, anywhere on your smartphone, tablet or computer.

Ever need an erectile boost on a weekend away? I’ve got your back, it’s all here.

Bonus 2 is the Hard Erection Mineral and Vitamin Guide.

In the Hard Erection Vitamin and Mineral Guide you’ll get proven scientific techniques on how simple combinations of vitamins and minerals can stiffen your erection and power up your libido much faster.

When you combine these easy to find and inexpensive nutrients the right way, you’ll notice a spike in libido, pleasurable pangs of desire and bigger loads when you climax.

Bonus 3 is the 7 Minute Testosterone Enhancer

Which man doesn’t want to burn belly fat, enhance energy, firm up muscles and improve mood, in just 7 minutes a day?

When you start the Hard Wood Tonic system, you’ll get this powerful 7 Minute Testosterone Enhancer guide FREE. This is your ticket to a younger, more attractive body, feeling manly, looking younger and living longer.

Imagine with the Hard Wood Tonic system, you’ll be performing again in weeks or even days from now.

Not only that, you’ll get the 3 VIP bonus programs if you order in the next 30 minutes, which will add that extra edge to your performance and manliness, unleash a torrent of testosterone and add 10 years to your life.

Along with the 90-day guarantee, there’s everything to gain and nothing to lose to give the Hard Wood Tonic system a try when you click below.

Your first choice is to do nothing.

You probably realize that means nothing will change in your life.

Getting hard will be a struggle. Your energy and desire will stay flat, and you’ll continue feeling like less of a man than you were…

And the longer you stay without getting hard the more likely it is that your penis shrinks.

I don’t want to scare you, but penile shrinkage happens to any man who suffers from long term ED.

The muscles start to waste away, the blood vessels contract and your manhood slowly but surely shrivels up.

These are the scientific facts about ED and we haven’t even started on talking about the negative impact on your confidence, your marriage or partnership and your happiness…

But the good news there’s another future that awaits you.

That’s the one where you click below get your hard erection back for good with the Hard Wood Tonic system.

When you get started with this unique blueprint, it can actually expand your erectile tissue, restoring your size to the youthful and vigorous big manhood of your younger years.

It’s time to do the right thing for you and your partner by clicking the button below.

If you have any more questions I’ll do my best to answer them below…

Does the Hard Wood Tonic system really work?

This system gets nearly all the guys who follow it better erections.

Of course, results vary according to the condition you’re in, the medication you take and the length of time you’ve had ED.

Some men will get better results than others but nearly every man who gives it go will experience an improvement in erections. This improvement alone is worth at least 50 times what you invest today.

How does the 90-day money back guarantee work?

From the moment you order, you’ll have a full 3 months to trial this system. It’ll work for almost any man but if ever you’re not satisfied or if it’s not for you, feel free to contact our friendly customer service team and we will happily refund your order in full, within 48 hours.

You’ll be attended to by a real person who cares about your satisfaction and is eager to help.

What if my ED is psychological?

In Vegas, we met a doctor who after a few too many drinks, blurted out that he would tell younger men that their ED was psychological to get rid of them.

And the good news is the Hard Wood Tonic System includes methods that put you in a better state of mind, including one visualization trick which helps you overcome performance anxiety. Other methods reduce stress and anxiety and can boost your mood, all helpful for erections.

Is my order secure and anonymous?

Yes, we’ve made the order process entirely secure and anonymous, so nobody will know what you’ve ordered.

The order process is encrypted with the same technology that Amazon and online banks use to keep your details safe.

Nobody needs to know you’ve signed up with the Hard Wood Tonic as it’s completely anonymous and secure.

The transaction on your credit card or bank statement will be to and will not display any reference to the Hard Wood Tonic system.

It’ll be your secret weapon to getting those hard, frequent and long-lasting erections.

What do I have to do next?

All that remains is for you to click the order button below and proceed to the next step. You’ll fill in your details on the next screen.

Once you’ve done that you’ll get instant access to your full Hard Wood Tonic system for boosting your erection hardness so you can perform again like you could during your younger years.

Remember those times? Get ready to enjoy them again except this time, you’ll have all the experience.

You’ve got to admit, it makes perfect sense to give this a try.

Click below and get started with the Hard Wood Tonic system and I’ll see you there.

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The content of this site is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care professional about a medical condition, a suspected medical condition, and before starting a diet, exercise, or supplementation program or take or stop a medication.

The use of any information provided by this site and others appearing on the site is solely at your own risk. The site and its contents are provided “as is”. ClickBank is the reseller of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Boise Boise, ID 83709, USA and used with permission. The role of ClickBank as a retailer does not constitute an endorsement, endorsement or review of such products or any claim, statement or opinion used in the promotion of such products.

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