Sunday, August 2, 2020

Horse Training Secrets Revealed

Product Name: Horse Training Secrets Revealed

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Train A Horse And Eliminate Any Bad Habits, Often In Just Hours!

That’s Right — With These Amazingly Effective Horse Training Techniques YOU Can Train And Tame ANY Horse, Often In Mere Hours, And Regardless Of Your Previous Experience!

From: Craig

RE: Tame & Train ANY Horse!

magine taking ANY horse and taming and training him in as little as 4-6 hours… yes 4-6 hours…

Picture being able to accomplish it gently – with a deep understanding of the horse and his natural instincts and urges.

And what if you had the knowledge and ability to eliminate any bad habit your horse could throw at you?  I’m talking about balking, shying, kicking, biting, halter pulling – you name it! 

Imagine the pride you would feel, both in your wonderfully trained horse, and in yourself, when he obeys your commands, let’s you saddle and mount him without question, and stables easily.

You develop a deep bond and connection with your horse and enjoy one another for many years to come, all because you were able to train him with ease…

Thinking about YOUR horse right now and feeling like this is just some wild fantasy — an impossibility — because your horse is wild or even vicious?

Well, not only could what I described above be your reality…. it could happen faster than you ever imagined possible.

Maybe you’ve just got an untrained horse and you don’t know where to start.  

Or maybe you’ve got a ‘problem’ horse with a bunch of bad habits you just can’t shake… and nothing seems to be working.  

Or maybe even you’re a horse trainer looking for the edge over your competition…  

Regardless of your experience, if any of the above strikes a chord with you, then then this might just be the most important letter you’ll read this year!

You see, you’re about to discover how to master any horse  and bend it to do your will – even teach it tricks – without brutality and all in record time!  

With this knowledge you can take even the baddest, nastiest, most contrary horse and put it on its best behavior so quickly you’ll curse yourself for not discovering these secrets years ago! 

And the best part is that anyone can do this – even if you’ve never trained a horse in your life! More on this in a second… but first…

I’m going to share with you the closely guarded and all-but-forgotten secrets that today’s professional horse trainers either don’t know or don’t want you to know!

How do I know them?  Because I was once right where you are today…

A couple years back I had a problem with my horse, a white Appaloosa I named Bo. He was beautiful to look at — BUT he was absolutely vicious.

While I have experience training horses, I just couldn’t seem to break him. Nothing, and I do mean nothing I was doing was working with Bo.

It was as if everything I had ever learned about horses and training were worthless…

And I was surprised, not by how quickly this trainer had tamed my horse, but by how he didn’t seem to be able to get much farther with Bo than me.

With several days past and no headway with Bo, I was frustrated and beginning to think nothing would ever work — until a conversation with my Grandfather changed my life forever.

After sharing my problems with him, he recommended that I look for an old book… he said that if I could find it, my problems would be solved.

My first reaction was to scour the Internet, but to no avail… this was apparently not something that I could just pick up at Amazon…

Next, I went down to the library, thinking that surely I could pick up a copy there. Again, no such luck as they had NO copies of this book anywhere.

I was beginning to think it a lost cause — considering perhaps bringing in another trainer to work with Bo when I happened upon a vintage bookstore in town.

I figured it couldn’t hurt to check it out… and there it was… I had struck gold… in their collection of old and rare books, I found the book with the very long title about training horses…

And no wonder I couldn’t find it anywhere else – it was printed way back in the 1800’s.

As it turns out, this forgotten manuscript my Grandfather pointed me to was written by a Master Horseman… and in it he revealed his Proven Step-by-Step Formula for Taming and Training any Wild or Vicious Horse in as little as 4 to 6 hours! 

And he does it GENTLY – without resorting to brutal intimidation.

Curious, I began to read…

A couple of hours later when I’d finished the whole thing I realized that I’d stumbled across a book that was EXTREMELY valuable to anyone and everyone who works with horses!   

Now you might be asking yourself,  “Is this old information really of any use today?”   

The answer to that is, “ABSOLUTELY YES!”  You see, this book is from a time when the relationship between man and horse was MUCH closer than it is today.  A time before the domination of the motorized vehicle. 

A time when lives, yours or your loved ones, depended on a good, reliable and well trained horse.  

Now, a lot of things may have changed since the 1800’s but a horse is still a horse and these old horsemen knew them a lot more intimately than we do today.  

They had to because lives and livelihoods depended on it! Heck, I’d bet that those old timers knew more than most of today’s ‘experts’ put together!

The authors of “How To Tame and Train Wild and Vicious Horses” were truly expert Horsemen and they were influenced by knowledge from ancient cultures (especially Arabian) in which the relationship between man and horse played a very central role in life and survival. 

BUT this book was just the beginning of my discovery!  

Inspired by my lucky find I began to seek out more forgotten horse training techniques of old time horse trainers.  And after more frenzied digging I discovered books from another great old time horseman, this time from the early 1900’s… 

This horse trainer, very famous in his time (and still revered in some circles today!), poured his whole lifetime of horse training knowledge and experience into a massive, fully illustrated, 8 volume course.

These 8 books cover every aspect of Horse training – from what you must know before you begin the first lesson right through to teaching your horse sophisticated tricks!  

Even his students became expert trainers themselves and now you can too!  (In the course he even tells his students how much to charge for the valuable skills he teaches them!)

In his time, this man was without peer.    In fact, he would have to be one of the greatest Horse Trainers that has ever lived!  

He would travel from town to town taming the most untrainable, unbreakable horses folks could bring him – he took on all challengers and he never failed!

Look, I know from my experience with Bo it’s hard when you’ve got horse problems. But I also know from my experience that these time tested horse training methods are astonishing… you see, after I stumbled upon these rare treasures…

I put them to the test — and I was blown away by how quickly they worked. Bo… well I thought he would NEVER become the well behaved horse I wanted him to be.

And yet, after applying the techniques I had discovered in these lost manuscripts, it was just hours before I began to see staggering results and changes with him (today he is my best trained horse).

I know what its like to try to get results using what you know – what others have told you or things you’ve seen them do… and nothing seems to work. 

And sometimes you get a really stubborn horse or one with such a persistent bad habit that you’re tearing your hair out because you just don’t know what to do… 

Is it time to call in an expert?  Professional trainers are expensive and not always effective.  So what if you could achieve better results yourself in less time — and keep your cash in your pocket (or spend it on something else)?

Well, now you can.  

You see, I now have the rights to republish this entire treasure trove of valuable horse training information so now you can benefit from these secrets too with my brand new…

“Without your help I couldn’t have done it.”

“Hi Craig,

…I brought your product about 9 months ago…and just want to say, following your books instructions I trained my horse in 3 months and is now a dressage and showjumper. My child is 8 years old and she takes all the prizes in the shows with him, so actually I want to thank you for the training manuals. Without your help I couldn’t have done it.”

“Just to give you proof that your training manuals really works, I have add a picture of the horse I trained. He was really WILD, bit and kicked me and even broke my hip bone, but look at them now!!!! I’m so glad that there are people like you Craig who are willing to give others a chance on training there own horses.”

~ Malissa Rosslee
Rustenburg City
South Africa

Horse Training Secrets Revealed is the culmination of the lost manuscripts I discovered. I purchased the rights to them so that you too could reap their incredible rewards…

I have compiled them for you in a digitally downloadable format so that you can grab them for yourself in mere minutes from right now — and begin training and taming your own horse or horses, no matter how wild or vicious they may be.

Here’s a look at ALL that is included with Horse Training Secrets Revealed:

The first of the lost gems that is contained in my Horse Training Secrets Revealed program is the incredibly powerful training guide originally written in the 1800’s, “How To Tame and Train Wild & Vicious Horses”

The authors of “How To Tame and Train Wild and Vicious Horses” were truly expert Horsemen and they were influenced by knowledge from ancient cultures in which the relationship between man and horse played a very central role in life and survival. 

In this “How to Tame and Train Wild & Vicious Horses”, you’ll discover secrets such as…

How to tame and train a wild horse naturally and gently – in plain and simple language even a child can understand!

How you can use the “Three Fundamental Principles” to get the better of any horse.

How to “say good-bye” to disobedience – easy when you know the real reason behind it (and it doesn’t have a lot to do with the horse!)

How to remove a horse’s fear of certain objects by using this little known secret of how a horse really decides if an object is safe or dangerous.

How to succeed in getting the colt from pasture “as easily as the hunter drives quails into his net.”

How to stable a colt without issue and even have him “go in of his own accord”.  No more struggling and pulling!

The best type of halter to use, the right way to fit it, and why you should NEVER put a rope halter on an unbroken colt.

How to use the horse’s most important sense to empower your training techniques.  (Do you know what it is?  Most folks get this totally wrong!) 

The sure fire key to building a deep bond or connection with your horse – from a long lost European manuscript from 1811, reprinted and improved upon in this book!

Who you should have with you in the stable with when training a horse.  The answer may surprise you but when you try it you’ll be shocked by how well it works.

The best type of switch or whip to use in training.  You’ll find out why it’s the best, the right way and the wrong way to use it effectively and what you must do immediately after you use the whip – if you don’t do this you will likely do more harm than good.

How to control a horses movements as you approach – using your own body movements.  It’s like ‘remote control’ for your horse!

How a horse will learn to “read” your feelings and the two feelings a good horseman or horsewoman should never “show” their horse.

How to ensure your horse won’t pull or rear when haltered and exactly where you should stand when you halter a horse.

How the author was able to walk colts into a stable “in less than a minute, after men had worked for half an hour trying to pull them in.” 

How to easily saddle even the wildest colt.  In the authors own words: “Any one man who has this theory, can put a saddle on the wildest colt that ever grew, without any help, and without scaring him.”

How to mount your horse and exactly where your first ride should take place – and it’s probably not where you think!

The three great advantages of a simple tool that will let you mount even the wildest horse and how to tell when it is safe to mount. 

How to use the reins in ways that “will stop any horse from jumping ahead, rearing up, or running away” and gently make a stubborn horse move, even “when whipping would have no effect.”

How to tell when to finish the first ride – Have you been making that first ride too short – or too long?  Your horse knows, do you?  You’ll also find out the optimum length of a training session.

The simple and failsafe technique to break a kicking horse “without any possible danger of hurting himself or you either”.

How to use the bit to give your horse “a nice and graceful carriage – without hurting him, making him mad, or causing his mouth to get sore.”

How to eliminate balking – even when deeply ingrained! 

What to do if your horse is very wild BEFORE you drive him for the first time.

How you can use one simple fact about the awesome strength of a horse to your advantage. 

You’re getting EVERYTHING — I’m talking about step-by-step instructions  “commencing with the first steps taken with the colt, and accompanying you through the whole task of breaking.”

And the best part is you’ll be able to do it gently using your newfound knowledge of the “psychology” of the horse to get your way.  It’ll be almost as if you can speak their language!

And it doesn’t matter if it’s your old pet horse ‘Slowpoke’ or if you’re chasing wild Mustangs in America or Brumbies in Australia!  If you work with horses then this will take your skills to a level you never imagined possible — people will be begging you to train THEIR horses! 

AND there’s even a Special Section in the back of the book, which you’ll also receive…

“The Horseman’s Guide and Farrier” 

By acting today, you’ll also receive “The Horseman’s Guide and Farrier”, an incredible resource, in which those master horse trainers listed out home remedies for an assortment of problems.

In this Special Section you’ll find:

*Old time remedies for over a dozen conditions or diseases of horses – tinctures, oils and liniments to help heal your sick horse. 

What to do to pacify a scared horse and how to render it unlikely to start in the future.

The author’s recipe for “Horse Powder” which the author claims will “cure more diseases than any other medicine known; such as Distemper, Fersey, Hidebound, Colds and all lingering diseases which may arise from impurity of the blood or lungs.”*

How a horses physical features may be an indication of its disposition.

A very gentle process of making a horse lie down that “however wild and fractious a horse may be naturally, after practicing this process a few times, you will find him perfectly gentle and submissive, and even disposed to follow you anywhere, and unwilling to leave you on any occasion.”

See how powerful these horse training secrets are?  Of course…BUT… As good as this book is…  It isn’t the complete picture… YET… remember the other old time master horseman I mentioned?   

In the early part of last century this EXTREMELY successful and renowned master horse trainer created a phenomenon when he released his comprehensive 8 volume, fully illustrated, horse training course. 

If you want a complete and proven system that is tried and true and from a time when horsemen REALLY knew horses, then this is it! 

Say goodbye to any bad habits or bad behaviors your horse might have.  No more kicking, shying, balking, biting, halter pulling – you’ll find out how to avoid and cure all these bad habits and more! 

Here, at last, is the Complete, Step by Step, Lesson by Lesson, Course in Horsemanship and Horse Training by Renowned Horseman, Horse Trainer and Trainer of Trainers, Prof. Jesse Beery, also included in the Horse Training Secrets Revealed program, for you, when you act today…

A Course in Horsemanship is a treasure trove of Horse Training Secrets from a true Old Time Horse Master.  Eight Volumes, Twelve Lessons, over 200 pages and 170+ illustrations, this course  is packed with valuable information and techniques.

What that means for you is that nothing is left to guesswork… you’ll know exactly what to do, when you should do it and how you should do it to achieve the best result.

You’ll be guided through detailed instructions and generous illustrations from what you must know before you first handle a horse right through to teaching your horse complex tricks!  Along the way you’ll also find out how to avoid or cure any bad habit in a horse that you’re ever likely to encounter.

All this from a man who could “handle every kind of horse, no matter what sort of habit, or habits, he may have, or what his natural inclinations are.”

You see Prof. Jesse Beery could “look at a horses head and tell you what sort of habits he is likely to have, how he will act when you try to break him of any particular habit and how long, and in what manner, he is likely to resist.” 

With the use of this amazing skill, Prof. Beery racked up an amazing track record of breaking any and every ‘unbreakable’ horse folks would bring him!

Discover the horse training secrets of a man who never tackled a horse he didn’t succeed in training… secrets such as:

How to ‘read’ the horse just by looking at it so you can do the right thing at the right time and avoid the mistakes that will otherwise be fatal to your training success. 

The one idea that so many people have about horses that is just dead wrong and 99% of the time does your horse more harm than good!  Get this idea out of your head fast if you want to train your horse successfully.

How to practically program your horse for good behavior.

The one thing that most people get dead wrong about habits and horses.  This understanding will take your relationship with your horse to a whole new level.

How many people actually teach their horse to shy!  Are you making this mistake?

The real reason why most horses kick (it’s not what most people think) and, of course, exactly how to stop your horse from being a “kicker”.

The two big causes of most “bad habits” (and 9 times out of 10 the second is a direct result of the first!) and how to avoid them.

How to prevent most accidents – all it takes to do this is a few minutes a day!  Ensure your safety (and that of your loved ones) now.

The eighteen month window of opportunity that is the optimum time for you to train your horse.  If you make good impressions on your horse in this crucial time they will be retained for life.

The right way to use the whip in training – break this rule and you risk making your horse so nervous and excited that it can be almost impossible to quiet down.

The one and only method by which you can make your horse do what you want?  This method applies in any phase of horse training or breaking and even teaching tricks.  The understanding of this method is vital to your success.

Do you think that teaching a horse tricks is hard?  Not the Beery way… Teaching a horse tricks – even seemingly complex ones, can be much easier and simpler than you might imagine.

Discover how to pick the most agreeable, easily taught, horse just by looking at it’s features.  And find out how to spot the ones with a treacherous, ill-tempered disposition so you can avoid them!  The trick is you’ve got to know how to ‘look’ and it’s not just with your eyes!

A plan for handling horses with all kinds of habits as well as plans for training green, unbroken colts.  This is not a “one size fits all” solution.  You will find out how to handle virtually any horse training situation imaginable!

The one thing you must do before you attempt to handle any colt or horse.  There is no room for guesswork here.  You’ll discover how to do it quickly and easily in seconds with illustrations so you can’t help but understand this vital secret.

The one idea you must get out of your head at once if you are to have any success with horses.  Are you one of the folk who are sabotaging their efforts by laboring under this misapprehension?

Three things to watch that will tell you what your horse intends to do.  Keep an eye on these three things and you’ll always be one step ahead of your horse!

The earliest age you should start training your horse.  If you start too soon you increase the risk of bad habits being formed.

The strange secret Beery used to take two colts, teach them a complex drill entirely new to them and have them perform it without making the slightest error – all with less than two hours of training!

How to make various types of bridles and use them to best effect in training your horse.  You’ll know exactly which bridle to use and when as well as how to make it and use it.

The best type of bit to use for your horse and why.  Get this wrong and you risk your horse reaching the point where he will pay no attention to any kind of bit.
What you shouldn’t use on your horse in the first lessons.  If you do use this common item early on then you risk having the opposite effect to that desired.
Find out what many people don’t know: exactly how to hold the lines. Step by step with illustrations, you’re shown the right way from the very beginning.
Training your horse from both sides.  Why this is important and how to do it.
Three mistakes that are the main reason many horses are improperly broken.  Are you making any of these mistakes?  Find out exactly what you need to know to do it right from the outset.
The one word you absolutely must teach your horse correctly and the right and wrong way to use it.  Your life or the lives of others may depend on how successful you have been in teaching your horse this one word.
A tip about the most sensitive part of a horses body that “is not generally known even by old horsemen”.  This understanding will set you above most other horse folk.
Mistakes even Prof. Beery made while learning and perfecting his system.  Are you making them too?  Benefit from the Prof’s mistakes so you don’t have to make them for yourself!

How to virtually ‘immunize’ your horse against the fear that can be a danger to both horse and rider!  Discover how to train your colt not to be afraid at the sight of different objects using these everyday household items.
How to fix good training habits so thoroughly that if you were to disappear for even as long as two years you could take things up again and have your horse as much under your control as when you left him!
The two major “sources” of bad habits in horses, how to avoid them and the first thing you must do break bad habits.
The appliance that is especially good for overcoming balking (or any other willfulness) and how to use it (with illustrations) to overcome these habits in your horse.
How to eradicate bad habits like bad to ride, groom, lead, harness, clip, crupper or shoe and many other minor habits using a special type of bridle.  Sounds incredible, I know, but it’s the peculiar action across the nerves centering the spinal cord of this particular bridle that makes this work!
No more kicking!  The two real reasons why horses kick (I bet it’s not why you think!) and the two things necessary to eliminate this nasty habit.  These methods never failed the author even with the most confirmed and vicious horses brought to him to train.  Do you want to find out how he did it?

One thing you must never let happen to your horse if you want a safe animal.
The simple trick you can use to make even an extremely “bad” horse stand perfectly still!
The correct way to use the whip with a balker and the precise timing to avoid making the habit of balking even worse!  A few seconds to soon or too late can make all the difference!
The only way to overcome the habit of running away.
The right way to overcome the habit of rearing.
The 4 telltale signs of a horses age.  3 of these methods will only give you a rough idea but the fourth – fully explained and illustrated – is nearly always accurate!
What you should do to your horses feet BEFORE shoeing for the first time to make shoeing nice and easy in future.  And what to do for a horse with a confirmed habit of being hard to show
A handy trick to make the horses foot almost come up for shoeing of it’s own accord!  Don’t let anyone make the mistake of kicking your horse on the shin or tendon when they want to pick up the foot to shoe. 
Halter Pulling – what causes this easily acquired habit, how to ensure your horse doesn’t acquire it and what to do to break the habit if your horse is already a halter puller.  And don’t let your horse fool you – this is what you have to do to ensure the habit is overcome entirely.
The knot that saved the author hundreds of dollars!  Use this knot and “no matter how hard the horse pulls against it, he cannot draw it tight.”
The first thing necessary in the handling of broncos and exactly how you should do it.  
How to tell when the bronco is ready to be trained and the mistake the average man makes in the handling of the bronco.
How to lasso a bronco, step by step with illustrations.  
Two things to teach your horse so you can throw a lasso from the saddle so you and your horse work together like a well oiled machine.
How to hitch up a bad horse and what you must ALWAYS REMEMBER when doing this to avoid injury!
The easy solution to prevent cribbing.  One of these methods has even overcome some very severe cases.
What you should do BEFORE you bridle a colt for the first time and how you should do it.
The right way to teach a colt to lead.  Most people do this the wrong way – don’t you make the same mistake!
Two simple solutions to stop a horse kicking at the side of the stall.  You’ll also learn cures for virtually every other possible “bad horse habit”! 
How to make and use the “Old-time Indian Bridle”.  You’ll also see how to make, modify and use a whole bunch of other bridles, all fully illustrated with black and white line drawings!
Teach your horse tricks!   Teach your horse to say yes and no, to walk, gallop and trot on spoken command, to appear vicious at your will, to jump, to stand erect, to carry an article by mouth, to kiss, to play dead, waltz, even to count!  And more!  You’ll amaze people with the tricks you can teach your animal with these in-depth, detailed instructions!
Which types of horse make the best trick horses and which two types are not suitable to be taught tricks – don’t waste your time with these two!
The one thing you MUST do BEFORE you try to teach a horse tricks!

The whole course is written in plain and simple language that even a child can understand.  You don’t have to be an expert – but you can be one soon!

Think about it… Follow these lessons in detail and you will have a well-trained horse, with NO bad habits, and one that has confidence in you and that will be under your control at all times!

And you can begin taming and training your horse, no matter how wild or vicious, often in mere hours!

But I don’t expect you to take my word for it.  Look at what some of the many hundreds of happy customers to get their hands on these newly re-discovered secrets had to say:

“I truly feel this is a ‘must’ for all lovers of horses…”

“My sincere thanks for this most informative and excellent introduction. I truly feel this is a “must” for all lovers of horses, in particular those who are actively involved in all aspects of equestrian sport.”

~ Peter le Roux 
South Africa 

“What can I say except that it WORKS!”

“Hi ya,

What can I say except that it WORKS!

A friend of mine has a pony which is about 4 years old now and unbroken, she bought it at six months old she was somewhat badly treated. When ever she goes into the field to feed them the pony goes mad doing everything it can to kick and bite and has done on several occasions.  Her intention was to have it for her grandson, but the way it behaved was not at all suitable for a child. 

After reading your book Tame and Train Wild and Vicious Horses I thought I would test some of your lessons out, Bingo after a few weeks of putting into practice some your methods she is now a very different pony much quieter and does not try to kick and bite, I still have a long way to go but she is getting better all the time.

I would just like to say that I have had no previous experience of doing anything like this, just going out riding now and then so I’ve shocked myself in what I have done and feel quite proud of myself as she was thinking in terms of getting rid of her, who knows what her fate would have been? 

Thanks again for your help.” 

~ Ian Wilson 
Colwyn Bay, Conwy
Wales UK

“I had never worked with a truly wild horse, so I found the book to be the perfect resource that I return to over and over again!”

“Having adopted a wild horse from the Gila River Indian Reservation (near Phoenix, AZ), I found the information in the Training Wild Horses book most useful – from start to finish. 

I had never worked with a truly wild horse, so I found the book to be the perfect resource that I return to over and over again! 

Thanks for the great information and insights!” 

~ Claire Miller, 
Surprise, Arizona

“it worked wonders on him, in just one try! It’s made a different horse out of him…
thanks so much.”

“Thanks so much for the ebooks!!!!!!!!

Our stallion wouldn’t lead and was getting out of control..we ordered the books and tried the methods the next day.

My husband walked him out and he never gave him a problem!

He stopped and the stallion stopped and stood still without moving… he could let go of the lead and the stallion would walk with him, he was that different…

it worked wonders on him, in just one try! It’s made a different horse out of him…
thanks so much.” 

~ Cynthia and Peter Robinson,

” The methods work, I have seen them in action, simply amazing.”

Just wanted you to know, it wasn’t until I read the book by JS Caroll that I realized these are the same methods my late stepfather, a very amazing horseman, used to gentle and train many wild horses caught up in the Peace Country (northern Alberta, Canada).

My first horse was a mare named Coco, never seen people until she was 6, I learned to ride on her. The methods work, I have seen them in action, simply amazing.” 

~ Sheri Hulan,
Grand Prairie, Alberta

“What I also REALLY liked was the insight into the horse’s psyche. ”

“I just really enjoyed the book.  The methods are humane and simple to understand and to execute.  What I also REALLY liked was the insight into the horse’s psyche. 

I am telling my friends about the book and can honestly and heartily recommend it.  As for the bonus books, they are entertaining and informative.  Further, the “home remedies” are interesting.” 

~ Rev. B. Jeffress 
Westland, Michigan

“This book is a horseman’s Bible…”

“This book is a horseman’s Bible it covers all subjects in an easy to digest manner and is a must for anyone starting out caring for horses.

As for the experienced horseman, it cuts down
on nine tenths of the hard work and frustration
that we have all undergone.  There are bits we know, but hell of a lot that we should know but need years of work to find out.

I wish I had found this book at the beginning of my
carreer with horses, I would never have had to work
so hard to achieve the results that this book shows
can be done in a fraction of the time.”

~ Terry Symons

Horse Training Secrets revealed has helped many hundreds of people all over the world to tame and train horses, both quickly and easily, and it can absolutely help YOU to do the same!

With training methods so powerful and effective, you might just be wondering…

Horse Training Secrets Revealed contains the most powerful horse training techniques you’ll likely ever find — for many years they have been hidden away, kept secret, until now.

With these methods you will soon be able to train or tame any horse, no matter how wild it might be.

To get a horse trainer to do this for you would cost you several hundred dollars — and you can be sure they will tack on a hundred or more for “problem horses”.

And this would be just for breaking the horse… if you wanted (or NEEDED) ongoing training you be charged many hundreds more again!!!

And that’s not all — you see, I am also going to make this a VERY easy decision for you by taking away every bit of risk with my…

I won’t do anything that isn’t worth doing, so you can rest assured that I stand behind the entire Horse Training Secrets Revealed course as described above.

I am SO confident in it –in fact — that I am removing ANY risk from the equation for you. Grab your copy of Horse Training Secrets Revealed today and try it out for yourself for a full 8 weeks.

If it is not everything I say it is and more, then simply email me for a complete no hassle refund!

As if the astonishing secrets highlighted above, and backed by my 8 week bullet proof guarantee, were not enough for you, when you act today, I’m also going to hand you for free…

It takes into consideration common faults of conformation, common unsoundnesses that impair a horse’s usefulness and serious faults of temperament or training. 

The book is illustrated with valuable photographs and diagrams and guides you through the examination in a logical sequence.

Here’s a sample of what you’ll discover inside:

How to spot stable vices and other vices that mean you should look for a different animal.

Indications of normal health in the horse which allows you to choose the best of the bunch.

Indications of desirable temperament that mean you’ll go home with a happy and well adjusted horse.

How to tell a horse’s age by its teeth so you know just what you are getting – with step by step photos included.

How the muzzle can indicate a possible lack of vigor or the presence of a bad habit.

How to test a horse’s eyesight. If you see a certain behavior you should suspect blindness or a bad temperament (and THIS has nothing to do with the eyes).

The type of tail that indicates spirit and vigor in the horses that you are looking at.

How to check for all manner of diseases – both common and not so common so you can be sure your horse is healthy.

If you want to get the best, healthiest, most suitable horse for you, then take this book with you and you’ll have a step by step, systematic approach that will ensure you choose the best horse available!

Plus you’ll also receive…

Photographs accompany the text and the principle element behind the methods that are described in this book is “kindness to the horse” – this is ALL about getting the horse to do what you want, while being gentle with him.  

Here’s just some of what you’ll discover inside:

The 2 main factors you have to deal with when training a horse.

How to stop obstinacy when training your colt.

The one thing you MUST do before approaching a horse.

The best ages for the phases of breaking/training.

How to handle older, unbroken horses.

How to minimize the risk of bucking when you ride him.

The most valuable gait for your horse to do and how to do it.

And as if that was not enough, you’ll also be getting…

This is the system by which Prof. Carroll was able to “cure the most vicious horses of the habit of balking or kicking; also the habits of shying, running away, pulling at the halter, jumping fences or pitching under the saddle.  It will enable anyone to ride any horse or mule without saddle or bridle with perfect safety; also to drive without bridle or lines.”  

Here’s just a taste of what else you’ll find inside:

How to manage a wild or vicious horse and even those that are quite old before they are first handled.

Revealed: the mechanical advantage whereby you can compel a horse to stop instantly at your command, with only a few pounds of pressure! 

How to gain the confidence of a horse so “as long as you are with him he feels no fear.”

How to cure a horse of jumping and fence breaking so thoroughly that he will happily stay in almost any kind of enclosure.

Secret ways of “jockeying” a horse to make him appear to be other than what he is, eg. blind, lame, sick, unwilling eat or drink and how to remove a brand. 

In a nutshell, this short but valuable ebook details an ingenious system to cure a horse of bad habits and compel it to do your bidding by using the horses own anatomy and instinctive movements against itself to amazing effect.  

And all this is done using simple rigs of ropes, straps and other basic items – you don’t need any fancy equipment!

The value of this book is such that I was hesitant to give it away.  I initially intended to sell this book on its own and reserve the right to do just that at ANY time – so act now, while it’s still free with Horse Training Secrets Revealed!

And remember, you have a full 8 weeks to examine this course completely risk-free.  

Think about this: if what you uncover in this course saves you from paying a professional trainer for just one session, it’s already more than paid for itself! In fact… with these amazing horse training methods I think by now we can both agree that you’ll never have to pay for horse training again! 

With the incredible secrets contained in these ebooks you can cure your horse of any bad habit, often in just hours!

Your transaction will be handled by the premier secure online payment processor, ClickBank. And as soon as your transaction is processed (it only takes seconds), you’ll be taken to a download page where you can immediately access this entire course, even if it’s 3AM!

Heck — get started right now and you could eliminate your horse behavior problems by this time tomorrow!

Would you like to be able to take any horse and tame and train him in as little as 4-6 hours?  And do it gently, using proven methods that work – with a deep understanding of the horse and its natural instincts and urges?

Would you like to be able to quickly and EASILY eliminate any bad habit a horse could throw at you… bad habits like balking, shying, kicking, biting, halter pulling – you name it!  

Maybe you’ve just got an untrained horse and you don’t know where to start?

Or maybe you’ve got a ‘problem’ horse with a bunch of bad habits you just can’t shake and nothing seems to be working.   Or maybe you’re already a horse trainer looking for an edge over your competition…  

Regardless of the reason and regardless of your prior experience, Horse Training Secrets Revealed is THE answer you have been looking for..

You could do nothing today and then what would be different for you? Your horse will act just like it did today, and like the day before that.

You could make the smart risk free decision to do something about it and grab your copy of Horse Training Secrets Revealed to discover the ‘old time’ methods of legendary horse trainers that can turn your horse around in mere hours!

Benjamin Disraeli once said, “The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.”

Your opportunity to quickly and easily tame & train ANY horse, no matter how wild, is right here in front of you… are you ready?

PS – You’ll be amazed at the results you can achieve with these old time legendary horse training methods, kept secret by an exclusive group of top horse trainers for many years. Finally I will reveal them to you so that you can quickly and easily tame and train ANY horse, no matter how vicious or wild, and regardless of your previous experience!

PPS – I shoulder all the risk here so you can’t lose! You can try these horse training techniques for a whole 8 weeks to see for yourself just how amazing they REALLY are. If for some reason you are not satisfied you are protected by my iron-clad, 100% better-than-money-back, no-nonsense, no questions asked guarantee and you even get to keep the bonus ebooks for just for trying the course out! 

PPPS – You will NOT find this offer anywhere else either online or offline so do not hesitate to get your copy at this amazingly low price right here and now while it is still available to you!

YES Craig! I want to be able to train and tame ANY horse, no matter how vicious or wild, with your astonishing horse training secrets!

You’ve made this so complete and you’ve removed any risk…it would be silly not to take you up on this limited special offer! Finally, I can train my horse or horses, quickly, and easily, using only gentle methods that are PROVEN to work!

By acting today you’ll allow me instant access to everything described above, including:

How To Tame And Train Wild & Vicious Horses eBook

8 Volume “A Course In Horsemanship”

As if that were not enough, you’ve removed every ounce of risk with your no hassle 8 week100% money back guarantee.

I understand that I can try these techniques out for myself for 8 weeks, and if for ANY reason I am not 100% satisfied with the results, I need only email you for a refund in FULL – plus you’ll let me keep the bonus gifts just for trying it out.

It is on this basis that I am clicking the secure order button below and entering my credit card details to grab my copy of Horse Training Secrets Revealed today!

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*CAUTION: The “Old time remedies” that have been included in the book have been left in their original form for informational/entertainment purposes as well as for the the sake of preserving the integrity of the original work. 
If your horse is sick you should consult an appropriately qualified professional right away and do not depend on these remedies. 
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